Friday, March 27, 2009

An interesting life principle a mistake

Were you ever disobedient as a child? Of course.
Did you ever learn an important lesson through that disobedience?

This last week my son learned a valuable lesson that sometimes it is much safer to listen to dad. Or at least give a little thought to what the outcome might be.

When we are disobedient, what are the consequences?
What happens that we don't see?
In our disobedience, are we running down a hill out of control?
Are we going to come crashing down at the end?

What do we put in motion through our disobedience that we cannot see?
We all have a Father God.
How often do we honor Him?
How often do we disobey?

Sometimes our disobedience has visable consequences. Sometimes it doesn't, but eventually that downhill run will get out of control and we will wind up with pain.

How much better it is to walk the narrow road hand in hand with our Savior.
How i need to remember that every minute of every day.

The last thing i want is to run down the hill of disobedience and have that momentum carry me somewhere i never thought i would go to someplace i never want to be.

Remember to have an eternal perspective. Jesus came to rescue us. He came to offer Eternal life. It is a free gift. He can be your rescue, peace and confidence just ask Him.

The journey of life is much more controlled with Him than without.

Make it a great day!

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