Monday, March 30, 2009

Do you ever wonder why you are here?

I mean we are all here for a purpose. But what is yours? Are you pursuing the right things now to be where God wants you to be tomorrow? What is God's will for you?

You ever done something and then wondered if it really made any difference at all? Was it important or just a waste of your time. Like you were just a pawn in someone else's game?
I'll admit i have been in that situation. I have had those thoughts.

I heard a song the other day that made me reflect on my life and the 'unusual' road the my life has wiggled down. The song is WAIT AND SEE by Brandon Heath and here is a couple excerpts:

There is hope for me yet
Because God won't forget
All the plans he's made for me
I have to wait and see
He's not finished with me yet

Still wondering why I'm here
Still wrestling with my fear
But oh, He's up to something
And the farther on I go
I've seen enough to know
That I'm, not here for nothing
He's up to something

As long as your here. God's is not done with you yet. As a close friend told me the other day, "keep walking throught the open doors". God is not done with you yet. Pursue Him with 'reckless abandon'.

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