Monday, July 30, 2007

Energy Drinks???

Energy drinks. There are so many to choose from, so many varieties, so many sizes.
If i took a poll of today's teenage population I bet I would find that somewhere between 60-70% of teens and young adults drink the "energy" drink.
Some people can't live without having one first thing in the morning. Kind of like the Coffee of the 2000's the energy drinks have been a craze and become hugely (not sure that is a word) popular in the last couple of years.
I personally have never had one, but those i talk to just rave about how good they are.
For those of you reading this who drink those cans of "energy", how many of you have read the label?
The contents may not be as good for you as you might think. One label reads:"Do not consume if you are pregnant, or a small child." What determines what a small child is (i was never a SMALL child)? Another reads:"Do not consume more than three a day". What if it is a really long day? And what happens if i do?
Problem is that these drinks contain high levels of caffeine. A drug in and of itself, caffeine, is disguised these days in very slick covers. It is in coffee, cola, and now energy drinks. Why do we think we need energy drinks?
Common answers:
"to give me a pick-up in the morning" - get a good nights rest.
"i couldn't make it through the day without one" - How did anyone make it 5 years ago before energy drinks?
"they taste so good" - so does water, try it again for the first time. Plus it is good for you.

There are lots of things we as people think we need, but in reality God has everything prepared for us.
Why do we feel like we always have to be running around? (Hence the reason for a caffeine boost in the first place.
What is wrong with a little rest?
I think we need to evaluate our priorities and try to do things a little differently. Let's get rid of the caffeine and the energy drings and get a hold of something that will have deeper meaning and impact in our lives. Let's get our energy from God's Word and let let that be what gives us our charge and energy on a daily, even moment by moment, basis.

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

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