Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This space intentionally left blank

We are told to "be still and know that I am God" in Psalm 46:10.
You ever wonder about that scripture?
Do we always have to be thinking about something? Does something always have to be going through our minds?
Is it wrong to just Veg? to "Chill"?
How many of us in today's world even take a moment to ourselves these days?
It's always something: work, family health, car repairs, bills, kids sports, home repairs, in-laws, out-laws, safety, etc... Whew! I think you get the picture. To answer the question i asked...we don't . We don't have much downtime in this day and age.
But...we need to. We need some down time. We're told to "Be still".
How can we be still if we're running around like a chicken with its head cut off?
There is a time for everything....(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
We need to make sure we are making time for ourselves. Time to draw nearer to God. Time to be still. We NEED those quiet moments. I am talking about down time.
Ever wonder why camps and retreats are so effective? It is because you get away and you can't help but have some down time.
So if the space is blank.....

Take it for what it is.
Take a deep breath........That is better.

Never be too busy.........

....for God to speak.

---- This Space was intentionally left blank----

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