You know anyone who has a pet?
Someone who loves that pet more than the pet will ever love them?
They take it shopping with them. They take it to the movies. They let them eat the same food they eat, in fact they may even let them sit at the table during the meal.
That is not crazy love....that is just plain CRAZY!
You ever known a guy that falls for a girl in high school?
She will wrap him around her finger. He will do anything and everything she asks just because. He is like a puppy on a leash. He is infatuated with her. He is seeing what he can get in return for doing what she wants and asks. High School relationships never last.
That is not crazy love....that is selfish infatuation. It will pass quickly in these days all depending on what "personal things" they give to each other to make it last longer.
Have you ever seen an old married couple?
They have grown old together. He has cared for her through all the sicknesses, she has cared for him when he was on what was thought to be his deathbed. They have raised children in their house and cared for them as well or better than they cared for themselves.
That is not crazy love....but it is definitely love.
So what is crazy love?
What gets that billing?
Well we celebrated it all over the world last Easter Sunday. Some have called it "Amazing Love" while others call it "Wonderful Love". But crazy love is what i call it. God loves us. He passionately loves us. He knew exactly what we would do to Him, His people, His Son. But He loved. Not only did He love through everything but He sent His Son down here to be rejected, mocked, beaten and killed to conquer death for us. Amazing...yes! Crazy....definitely!
But God and only God can love so much that some would call it amazing, others wonderful, and yet others crazy. I am very thankful for the crazy love that God lavished on us. He shows us how to love. He helps us to even be capable of loving. In fact, He tells us to follow His crazy love example by loving God and then loving others. But don't just talk about it. Go do it.
If you haven't received and accepted this crazy love....It is a gift. God gives it, you receive it and grow in it. Don't let this day pass without experiencing this crazy love that is like no other you will or could ever experience.
"It's crazy when love gets a hold of you." Steven Curtis Chapman Something Crazy
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