Friday, March 16, 2007

So it's been a week...

How are you doing with the challenge? Be like Jesus.
It is a daily pursuit.
What did you do last week to show Jesus to others?
Did you stand out/up for Christ or just blend with the masses?
What will it take for us a people to stand for the creator and Savior of the world?

We all have free time. what we do with it is our choice. Are we wasting our time with Idle junk(video games, Girlfriend/boyfriends, sleep, food) that doesn't benefit us or others? Why don't we impact people with the Gospel every chance we get?
Two Choices “Live with Risk or Waste our Lives” – Piper
So what is your choice?
Are you using excuses? "I am too young to make a differences." "I don't know what to do." 'Ii am a realatively new Christian."
Excuses are like boogers, everyone has them. Are you picking yours? If you are picking your excuses (what did you think i was referring to picking?) just remember that all an excuse excuse is a reason for failure.
We live, and move and have our being thanks to the Creator God. He has given His all for us. Let's start giving our all for Him. And let's start by starting. Not by saying we want to start, by by doin. Let's put action in our faith and start a revolution! God is ready and we should be too.
Reflect Christ! It improves your whole appearance.
Let's strive to be Christ to those around us, it may be the only example they ever see.
Take your life SERIOUSLY...God is counting on you.

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